Take the most out your runners!
The importance of shoe rotation
We know wearing the right footwear is a crucial component in taking care of our bodies. But did you know it is also important to ensure you are rotating your shoes and not wearing the same pair every day? By rotating between pairs you can reduce your risk of injury, get more out of your shoes (and more bang for your buck) and avoid nasty bacterial and fungal problems.
So, what is Shoe Rotation and why is it important? Running shoe rotation means using more than one pair of shoes across your different training sessions. This includes using 2 or more different styles of runners to take advantage of their specific purposes for training, injury prevention or racing purposes. It is important to get your running shoe rotation right as it can reduce injury risk, strengthen your performance and extend the lifespan of all your runners.
Reasons to rotate your running shoes
Reduce risk of injury
Rotate your footwear to ensure you are changing up the forces on your body. This way you will load your muscles differently to prevent overuse or underuse of muscles and give stressed areas of your body a break. Our bodies are designed to adapt; if you are always in the same footwear your body will adapt and come to rely on the structure of the shoe, leaving you open to injury as your body becomes (for want of a better word) lazy.
Avoid injury by breaking your shoes in slowly; you can’t throw on a pair of brand new shoes the day of a marathon and expect the same level of comfort and performance your old faithful’s. Each runner is different, but we recommend you start adding your race day shoes to your footwear rotation 4-6 weeks before a big event.

Get more out of your shoe
By rotating through a few pairs of shoes you will ensure you are getting your monies worth and good longevity for the shoe. When we run, we place between 5-12 times our body weight on our feet.
Your shoes are designed to cushion and support our bodies from the full force of our feet hitting the ground. But in doing this, we compress the foam of our shoes. Rebound time for foam can be up to 24 hours. By swapping between pairs the foam cells that make up the midsole of your shoe decompress, enabling the shoe to last longer.
Give your feet a break
A 2 ½ inch heel can increase the load on the forefoot by 75%. 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, It adds up. Even seemingly sensible brogues and flat shoes can be hard on your feet. Flat shoes don’t always mean comfort and support. Often you are putting pressure on your arch, your ankles and your knees to overcorrect in an effort to support the weight of our bodies and keep us moving. Try adding a different shoe to your rotation - even just for your commute, casual Fridays or weekend. By making small changes you can give your feet a much-needed break and a chance to repair damage and adapt and strengthen muscles neglected and strained in improper footwear.

Top Tip: Dry is Best
Change up your shoes day to day to ensure you are allowing them to dry out. We’re not just talking about wet weather. An average person perspires 0.8 to 1.4 litres per hour during exercise. Giving your shoes time to dry out is crucial to avoid fungal and bacterial foot problems.
Are you taking care of your feet all day, every day?
We know we need to exercise in the right shoe for our feet. But what are you wearing the rest of the time? It is just as important to ensure you are wearing supportive, well fitting shoes day to day to ensure that when you are active, you can perform to your optimal level and avoid injury. You know you need to exercise in supportive shoes. but what are you wearing the rest of the time? it is just as important to ensure you are wearing supportive, well-fitting shoes day to day. this way you can ensure you’re performing to your optimal level, avoid injury & have more fun!
The Active Feet Difference
At Active Feet we are about more than just shoes – we are about complete footwear solutions. Our highly-trained team provide FREE in store industry leading video gate-analysis, so you can be sure you are fitted in the right shoe for you. We offer a wide range of the best brands at competitive prices. Including orthotic friendly, sports specific, varied widths, specialty styles and accessories.
How to start running: Ultimate Beginners Guide